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Despite what it seems to be from a distance, dog training doesn’t need to be difficult or complicated. All that is required for successful dog training, is for you to keep a few basic dog training tips in mind. These handy dog training tips will allow you to become your dog’s pack leader and take control of your dog’s training.

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Tips For Successful Dog Training

1.Establish The Leadership Role

First, establish who the boss (alpha) is. Remind your dog again and again that you are the one who is in charge. There are simple ways to do this. A few examples are not letting your dog barge through a door before you. Do not allow your dog to drag you around the neighborhood when you are out for walks. And if you are eating, your dog must wait until you are finished before he eats. These are all things that the alpha dog expects from the other dogs in the pack. And they are things that you should expect from your dog too.

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2. Speak In A Firm Tone

Second, speak in a tone which oozes authority, something on the lines of your first grade math teacher. This doesn’t mean that you should yell at your dog or that you have to be mean to your dog. It means that you need to talk to your dog in a tone that let’s him know that you are in charge and that he is expected to listen.

Your heart might melt into a mush every time your cute little pup tilts his head but don’t let that get in the way of you establishing your leadership. Go gooey eyed too frequently and you are likely to pay with your carpets and sandals, which your dog will most merrily chew through. Treat your pup the way you would treat a little kid. Set strict boundaries and let him know what goes and what most definitely doesn’t.

You might not think it possible but dogs, like your kids, can tell when you mean business. Slacken up a bit with them and they’ll know you can be taken for a ride. Interestingly enough, they also have this instinct for intonation. Be strict when you want him to stay put at the yard, but be enthusiastic when you are asking him if he would like to go for a walk. It’s funny how you’ll see your own mood reflected in your dog’s responses. This is the primary step for you to establish the kind of communication with your dog which will allow you to calm him or set him up for work with a single word.

3. Create A Routine

Third, routine is everything so keep your training tactics consistent. One of the main things to keep in mind when training your dog is to keep a certain consistency in your approach towards him. Keep your intonations, gestures and words the same every time. When you do this, he gets used to the idea easily.

A young pup who grows up with a certain set of commands will respond to them more promptly than one who is frequently confused by conflicting orders. The more consistent your commands are, the better trained your dog is. The better trained your dog is, the greater your confidence is in him regarding his ability to respond to your commands.

A few other ways of establishing consistency are to use the same door when taking your dog out for a walk. Give him the same kind of pat every night before retiring for the day, so that he knows exactly what time it is. Set a daily routine for him.

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Little things like these will help you predict your dog’s behavior more accurately. Most importantly, however, remember to shower your love and affection on your dog to praise him when he listens to you. Continue your training through little games which he might enjoy. This helps to keep the training fun so he will look forward to it. And remember to treat him when he does a task well. After all, like a child, he too needs to be appreciated and given his bit of fun.

Once you master these three techniques, training your dog will be so much easier!

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