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4 Simple Steps To Stop Your Dog From Pulling On The Leash

One of the most common misbehaviors in all kinds of dogs is the dog pulling on the leash when walking. Puppies and adult dogs alike can often be seen taking their owners for walks, instead of the other way around. A dog pulling on the leash can be much more than an annoying habit. Leash pulling can lead to escape in the case of a break in the collar or leash. Slipping out of the collar can easily happen too. An out of control, off leash dog can be both destructive and dangerous to himself and to others.

Reasons Why Dogs Pull On The Leash

Leash pulling can result from a variety of different things. In some cases, the dog may be so excited to go for a walk that he is unable to control himself. In other cases, the dog sees himself as the leader of the pack, and he simply takes the leadership position at the front of the pack. Learning why your dog is pulling on the leash can help you to control the behavior.


If excitement is the motivation for leash pulling, simply giving the dog a few minutes to calm down can often be a big help. Stand with the dog on the leash for a couple minutes. This will let the initial excitement of the upcoming walk pass. After the initial excitement has worn off, many dogs are willing to walk calmly on their leash.


If the problem is one of control, however, some retraining may be in order. All dog training starts with the owner establishing him or herself as the alpha dog or pack leader. Without this basic respect and understanding, no effective training can occur. For dogs exhibiting these type of control issues, a step back to basic obedience commands is in order.

These dogs can often be helped through a formal obedience school structure. The dog trainer will of course be sure to train the handler as well as the dog. Any good dog trainer will insist on working with the dog owner as well as the dog.

To check out our favorite dog leashes on Amazon, click on the photos below.

Simple Steps To Stop Your Dog From Pulling On The Leash

Step One: Calmly Accept The Collar And Lead

The basis of teaching the dog to walk calmly on the lead is teaching him to calmly accept the collar and lead. A dog that is bouncing up and down while the collar is being put on will not walk properly. Begin by asking your dog to sit and insisting that he sit still while the collar is put on. If the dog begins to get up or gets up on his own after the collar is on, be sure to sit him back down immediately. Only begin the walk after the dog has sat calmly to have the collar put on. And he must continue to sit calmly as the leash is attached.

Click on the photos below to check out our favorite collars on Amazon.

Step Two: Calmly Walk Toward The Door

Once the leash is attached, it is important to make the dog walk calmly toward the door. If the dog jumps or surges ahead, gently correct him with a gentle tug of the leash. Then return him to a sitting position. Make the dog stay, then move on again. Repeat this process until the dog is walking calmly by your side.

Repeat the above process when you reach the door. The dog should not be allowed to surge out of the door or to pull you through the open door. If the dog begins this behavior, return the dog to the house. Then make him sit quietly until he can be trusted to walk through the door properly. Starting the walk in control is vital to creating a well mannered dog.

Step Three: Keep Your Dog’s Attention On You

As you begin your walk, it is important to keep the attention of the dog focused on you at all times. Remember, the dog should look to you for guidance, not take the lead himself. When walking, it is important to stop often. Every time you stop, your dog should stop. Getting into the habit of asking your dog to sit down every time you stop is a good way to keep your dog’s attention focused on you.

Step Four: Do Not Allow Your Dog To Surge Ahead

Make sure your dog is looking at you, then move off again. If the dog begins to surge ahead, immediately stop and ask the dog to sit. Repeat this process until the dog is reliability staying at your side. Each time the dog does what you ask him to, be sure to reward him with a treat, a toy or just your praise.

Remember that if your dog pulls on the leash and you continue to walk him anyway, you are inadvertently rewarding that unwanted behavior. Dogs learn whether you are teaching them or not. Learning the wrong things now will make learning the right things later that much harder.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite training treats on Amazon.

It is important to be consistent in your expectations. Every time the dog begins to pull ahead, immediately stop and make the dog sit. Continue to have the dog sit quietly until his focus is solely on you. Then start out again, making sure to immediately stop moving if the dog surges ahead.

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