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If you are thinking of adding a puppy to your family this course is for you!  The course features a curriculum divided up over 5 days.  After completing this course, you will have an understanding of how to choose a breed that fits your lifestyle, how to find and interview prospective breeders and rescues, what puppy supplies you will need, what to look for in pet care professionals and how to puppy proof your home.

Course Curriculum

Welcome To The Course

-A Message From Your Instructor

-Short Survey

Day 1 Finding The Breed That Is Right For You

-Choosing A Breed

Day 2 Finding A Reputable Breeder Or Rescue

-Finding A Reputable Breeder

-Finding A Reputable Rescue

Day 3 Choosing The Best Puppy Supplies

-Choosing The Best Puppy Supplies

-Choosing A Crate

– Choosing A Leash & Collar

– Choosing Grooming Supplies

– More Puppy Essentials

Day 4 Finding Dog Care Professionals

– Finding Dog Care Professionals

Day 5 Puppy Proofing Your Home

– How To Puppy Proof  Your House

Next Steps

-Here’s What’s Next

-More Resources For You

-Short Survey




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