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5 Reasons Why Your Dog Needs A Fitbark

More and more people are choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. This includes eating healthier choices, being more active and taking time to relax.  So, why not do the same for our dogs?

The Fitbark has been around for several years now and is gaining popularity.  There are popular activity and sleep monitors for people, such as the Fitbit so it only made sense to create one for our best friends too!  If you want to take your fitness and well being journey with your dog, then the Fitbark is the perfect way to do it.

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Why We Love The Fitbark:

FitBark Dog Activity Monitor

  1.  Linkable To Several Popular Activity Tracking Devices

We love that the Fitbark can be linked to Fitbits as well as Google Fit and the Apple Health Kit.  By linking your dog’s Fitbark to your activity tracker, you can see both activity results side by side.  This easily allows you to monitor your dog’s activity and sleep patterns as well as your own.

       2.  Keep An Eye On Medical Issues

The Fitbark makes it easier to monitor any anxiety, skin diseases and injuries through the data it collects on behavior and sleep patterns.  This information can be shared with your vet to help make a diagnosis or to monitor a treatment plan.

       3.  Monitor Activity And Sleep 24/7.

This is an awesome feature!  The Fitbark allows you to track your dog’s sleep patterns and quality, distance traveled, and calories burned.  What a great way to ensure that your dog is getting enough quality sleep, exercise and food.

FitBark Dog Activity Monitor

       4. Helps To Achieve Activity Goals For Your Dog

Fitbark allows users to set activity goals for their dog. If your dog’s activity level is below his daily goal, Fitbark will send you a notification to let you know.  This is a great tool to make sure that your dog is getting the exercise that he requires on a daily basis.  When you get the notification, you know that it’s time to take your dog  out for a walk.

       5.  Is Personalized To Each Dog

When you get your dog’s Fitbark, you input his basic information and select a lifestyle for him.  Fitbark then uses this information to compare your dog to other similar dogs.

FitBark Dog Activity MonitorSome of our favorite features:

  1. The Fitbark is durable and waterproof.  So, if your dog enjoys swimming and running through the woods, the Fitbark is tough enough to handle it.
  2. The Fitbark is constantly monitoring your dogs activity and sleep.  You will have detailed data on your dog’s behavior 24/7.
  3. The battery lasts for up to 6 months!  It’s also great that you can charge the battery without taking the Fitbark off of your dog’s collar.
  4. We love that it links to popular activity trackers for people.
  5. It attaches to your dog’s collar so it’s one size fits all and is good for dog’s of any size.
  6. It has bluetooth and a free app, which allows you to share your dog’s data with your vet or anyone else that you choose.
  7. You can change the cover of the Fitbark to have different colors.  Always match your dog’s color so he can be active in style.


So, as you can see, there is a lot to be excited about with the Fitbark 2.  Now, time to set some fitness goals for your dog.

Click on the link to go to the website for more details.


If you’d tried the Fitbark with your dog, we’d love to hear from you.  Leave a comment below to let us know what you think of the Fitbark and how it worked for your dog.



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