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6 Crucial Tips For How To Potty Train Your Puppy Fast

One of the toughest jobs that a family faces when a new puppy comes home is housetraining the puppy. This means that the puppy will eliminate outdoors and not use your home and furnishings as a toilet. Lots of people think that getting their puppy house trained is a tough task but it doesn’t need to be. If you arm yourself with plenty of information for the best ways to get your dog house trained, you will be on the right path to having a dog that goes to the bathroom where you want him to go. So, here are some tips for how to potty train your puppy fast.

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Tips For How To Potty Train Your Puppy Fast

1. Start Right Away

A dog can be toilet trained at any age but the best age to begin is between eight and twelve weeks old. If you set up a housebreaking routine as soon as you bring your puppy home, before long he will get the right idea of where to do his business. A reputable breeder will start the house training process for you. In fact, some puppies are almost totally housebroken by the time they leave their breeder. If your puppy comes home, though, and isn’t housetrained, don’t panic. Your puppy will learn very quickly when you are consistent with him and take him outside often for potty breaks.

2. Crate Train Your Puppy

A crate is a great tool for house training a puppy. Crating your puppy keeps him confined when there is no supervision. And most dogs do not want to use the bathroom in the place where they sleep. Be sure there is enough room in the crate for your pup to turn around. Don’t leave so much room, though, that he will be able to eliminate and lie down far away from it. Many dog owners view a crate as a jail cell or to use as punishment. But your dog will love having his own space where he can escape from the hustle and bustle of the household for some quiet time.

Make your dog’s crate a happy place and don’t use it for punishment. You can feed your dog in the crate, or while he is in there, offer him some treats. Place a favorite chewy or toy in there with him. Add blankets (*see tips below) and he will have a cozy den to escape to whenever he feels the need. Utilizing a crate for your dog can keep him out of trouble and not only in housebreaking. It will also prevent him from chewing on your belongings when he is out of sight.

Pro Tip:

Never leave anything in your puppy’s crate that he could chew up and swallow. Things like blankets, dog beds, plush toys, etc should only be available to your puppy when you are there to supervise. Puppies have destroyed and eaten blankets, beds and toys that aren’t chew proof and needed surgery to have them removed.

6 Crucial Tips For How To Potty Train Your Puppy Fast

Click on the images below to check out our favorite dog crates on Amazon.

Keeping a close eye on your puppy is a key factor in getting him properly housetrained. Whenever you see that he is sniffing, circling or beginning to squat, immediately take him outside to the place where you want him to go and see if he eliminates. If he does, praise him lavishly. A good idea is to have a cue, such as ” Go potty” so that your puppy knows what you want him to do. When he is going to the bathroom repeat the cue and then give your dog lots of praise for a job well done. It is better to take the dog out and nothing happens then take a chance of an accident happening.

4. Stick To A Schedule

Feeding, watering and walking your dog on a regular schedule will make housebreaking that much easier. Puppies are like children and they thrive on a routine. Try and take the dog out around the same time everyday so they will be able to adjust their bodily functions. The first thing you should do in the morning is take the puppy from the crate and take him right outside. Bring him to the place where you want him to go, give the cue, and praise upon a successful completion. Take your puppy out at least every two hours, after eating or drinking and especially after play. Before you know it, your puppy will be letting you know it is time to go out and do his business.

Pro Tip:

If you are taking your puppy out every two hours and he is still having accidents in the house, increase the amount of times that you take him outside. Try taking him out every hour instead. Each puppy is different , some puppies need to go out more often than others. If your puppy is having accidents in the house, that is a sign that he needs to go outside more often.

5. Don’t Let the Puppy Roam

Letting your puppy roam around the house is a sure fire way to have accidents. If you have decided you don’t want to use a crate, and even if you do use one, confining the dog to certain areas of the house can make housetraining easier for everyone. It is difficult to keep track of a puppy when he has the run of the house, but if you gate him in the kitchen, he will still be able to be part of the action and can be better supervised in case of an accident.

6. Don’t Get Discouraged

There will be times when you first begin housetraining your puppy that you will feel your pup is just not getting it. He may have accidents in the house as well on occasion. There is no need to be discouraged. Once you know how to potty train your puppy fast, things will be much easier. If you stick to your routine, keep a good eye on the puppy and make frequent outings to his outdoor bathroom, in no time your puppy will be housebroken. Another good idea is to use the same door all the time when you are taking him out so that when he has to go, he will scratch on the door to be let out. Once this happens, you can say hurray and know that your puppy truly is beginning to understand that going to the bathroom in the house is a no-no.

Learning how to potty train your puppy fast doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these tips your puppy will be housetrained in no time at all.

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