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How To Solve The Top 3 Common Puppy Problems

Everyone who owns a puppy will eventually have to deal with and correct less than desirable behaviors. These common puppy problems, nipped in the bud, can be stopped quite easily if you know how to deal with them. In this article, we will discuss the top 3 common puppy problem behaviors and how to correct them properly.

How To Stop The Top 3 Common Puppy Problems

Jumping Up On People

This is one of those behaviors that many owners inadvertently encourage in their puppies. Jumping up and wagging his tail can be adorable in a young puppy. When that puppy is older, larger and heavier, however, this jumping up behavior ceases to be cute. It then begins to become annoying and even dangerous.

A large, heavy dog jumping up on people can be dangerous to young children and even to some adults. A large, 100 pound plus dog can easily knock down a child or an adult. Since you as the owner are responsible for the behavior of your dog, it is important to nip this common puppy problem behavior in the bud.

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How To Teach Your Puppy Not To Jump Up On People

The best time to teach your puppy not to jump up on people, of course, is when the puppy is still small and easy to handle. When the puppy jumps up on you or someone else, gently place the puppy’s feet back on the floor. When the puppy remains standing there, be sure to praise him extensively.

It is also important to give the puppy an alternative to jumping up. Puppies jump up on people to express their enthusiasm, so it is important to redirect this energy in a more socially acceptable direction. Try teaching the puppy to present his paw or to sit instead of jumping up.

When teaching the puppy to not jump up on people, it is important to be consistent. Consistency is important in any training program, and all members of the family must understand that the puppy is not permitted to jump on them.

How To Solve The Top 3 Common Puppy Problems

Pulling On The Leash

One problem you definitely want to nip in the bud is this one. It is important that the puppy learn to respect the collar and leash now, when he is still small and light enough to handle. Teaching this lesson to a 10 pound puppy will be much easier than teaching the same lesson to a 100 pound dog.

Using a head collar can be a big help when training a puppy not to pull, or to retrain a dog that has already learned to pull on the leash. When first fitting a head collar, it is important to allow the puppy to walk around wearing it, so that he can get used to wearing it. Head collars are built on the idea of a horse halter. This is why they work so well.

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How To Teach Your Puppy To Walk Nicely On A Loose Leash

The first thing your puppy must learn, and the basis of all subsequent training, is teaching your dog to heel. Teaching your dog to walk quietly at your side on a loose lead is the basis of all dog training. Until your puppy has mastered this vital skill, he will be unable to move onto more advanced training that involves heeling.

When walking with a puppy on a leash, it is important to always keep slack in the leash. If the puppy begins to pull on the leash, the handler should quickly change directions. The puppy will then find himself lagging behind instead of forging ahead. The leash will be loose except for the split second it takes to change directions. It is important for the handler to use a quick tug of the leash, followed by an immediate loosening, when teaching this lesson. Your walks will be longer at first because you will be changing directions a lot but it will all pay off in the end.

When teaching the puppy to walk properly, it is important to never allow the puppy to pull you around, or to forge ahead on the leash. Allowing the puppy to pull you around will teach him exactly the wrong lesson. And once he has formed this habit, it is much harder to break.

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Nipping is a common puppy behavior that typically puppies will outgrow. I’m sure that most people who have played with a young puppy have experienced a nipping puppy. The puppy may grab at your hands, arms, legs, shoes, clothing or hair when they get excited.

If puppies aren’t taught that this isn’t appropriate behavior, the problem can persist throughout their adult life. And a large dog nipping at someone can quickly get out of control and become dangerous.

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How To Stop A Puppy From Nipping

There are several things that you can do to curb a puppy’s nipping behavior. The first thing that you can do when a puppy starts nipping you is to stay still. It becomes a game to the puppy if you try to run away or even make noise when a puppy nips you. By staying still you suddenly take the fun out of the behavior.

By teaching your puppy a more appropriate behavior you can curb the nipping. You can teach him to sit instead of nipping. Or to perform some type of trick. You can also give him a chew toy to redirect his behavior.

Sometimes, if your puppy is over excited and just won’t stop, putting him in his crate to calm down is a good option. This will give him some quiet time and once he settles down, you can try again.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite dog chew toys on Amazon.

Raising a puppy is a fun and rewarding experience, especially when you are prepared for when common puppy problems pop up. By knowing what to do in advance, you can quickly correct the problem puppy behaviors and nip them in the bud.

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