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5 Important Tips To Successfully Adopt An Older Dog

If you have been thinking of getting a new dog, have you considered all the options available to you? The obvious choice people make, when considering a new dog is to go to a specialized dog breeder. A good dog breeder will be able to sell you a puppy that has been checked for genetic problems, diseases, etc and will very often provide you with a high quality pedigree dog that should be free from problems that plague a lot of dogs. This is great for people who love everything involved with raising a puppy but what about those families who would prefer to adopt an adult dog?

When you adopt an adult dog, there are some things that you should keep in mind. We are going to cover those things today. Adopting an adult dog is a great choice for many families, especially if they don’t want to go through the puppy stage with their dog.

Where Can You Adopt An Adult Dog?

A Breeder

Sometimes a breeder may have an adult dog available that they are retiring from their breeding program. Sometimes these dogs may have had a few litters and are then spayed or neutered. Other times, they may be a dog that the breeder kept for their breeding program but then decided that they wanted to take their breeding program in another direction. Either way, these dogs typically make great pets

An Animal Shelter

There are lots of dogs that are without homes at animal shelters. These animals are often a victim of circumstance. Either an owner has died, or an elderly person cannot cope any more. Sadly, through no fault of their own, they have ended up homeless. Adopting a dog, may be a great way to offer a loving home to one of these dogs.

Available Dog Listings

There are always people needing to rehome their dog for various reasons. Maybe they are moving and can’t take their dog with them, their situation may have changed and now their lifestyle is not suitable for a dog or they have a dog that they just can’t handle. Regardless of the situation, always ask lots of questions about the personality and health of the dog. Make sure you meet the dog and spend some time with him as well, before agreeing to adopt him. It’s a good idea to ask for vet records and have the owner supply a veterinarian health certificate before you adopt the dog.

5 Important Tips To Successfully Adopt An Adult Dog

Tips To Adopt An Adult Dog

1. Ask For A Health Certificate

A lot of people are concerned that they may end up with an unhealthy dog. Most animal shelters will check a dog for good health. Always research the shelter to make sure that they are reputable. A reputable shelter will have the dog vet checked. Ask to see any health certificates, they should be more than happy to share the health certificates with you.

If you are adopting the dog from another family or a breeder, ask to see the dog’s health records. If the dog hasn’t been to see a vet in a while, you should ask for a veterinarian checkup and health certificate.

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

2. Assess The Dog’s Temperament

A shelter or a breeder will assess a dog’s temperament and only match dogs to a home that can handle the dog’s needs. Many people worry about adopting a dog that is aggressive. By adopting your adult dog from a reputable source, you will be informed about the temperament of the dog and any issues that they have seen. Some shelters offer in house training to increase the chances of a dog finding a new home. This is great for the dog and also for the new families too.

3. Make Sure The Dog Is A Good Match For Your Family

Explain to the shelter staff or breeder, what kind of dog would suit you and your family. Keep in mind that if you have very small children, getting a large dog may not be a good idea. Similarly if you have an apartment, maybe think about getting a small dog that doesn’t require vast amounts of exercise. A bit of forethought before you adopt, will make finding the perfect dog for you that much easier.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite dog treats on Amazon.

4. Let The Dog Adjust To His New Home

When you bring your new dog home, try and imagine things from his perspective. If your dog is from a breeder, you probably have been given a history of your dog. But if your new dog is from a shelter, they may not know the whole history of the dog. He may have been through a lot in the past so bringing him to yet another new home may well be overwhelming. The best thing to do is keep him on a leash at first, and gradually introduce him to your home letting him sniff each room until he has got a feel for his new surroundings.

Once he has settled down, allow him to walk freely off the leash inside your home (not outside off the leash yet). This will give him a chance to find ‘his’ spot. By this, I mean, his favorite place. We all have a favorite spot where we like to go, dogs are no different. If you have bought a new dog bed or blanket for your new arrival, this may be the place to put it. He will naturally go to that spot so having a comfy new bed there will help him settle in.

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

5. Start A Routine Right Away

Dogs love routines. Your new dog will quickly get used to your routine, so it’s important to let him get used to your schedule from day one. He will learn when his potty breaks are, when his mealtimes are and when his walks will be, etc. Once your dog gets used to his new schedule, he will settle in much faster.

Your new dog may be very quiet for the first few days but don’t worry, this is part of the settling in process. After a short time, your dog will be a fully settled in new member of the family.

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