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House training your puppy doesn't have to be difficult. Following these best dog potty training tips you'll have your dog house trained in no time at all. Click through to read the article.
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In order to properly house train your dog there are some rules you must follow. Potty training your dog does not need to be difficult but you have to know how to do it. By following these best dog potty training tips you will have your dog house trained in no time at all.

There are some websites and training courses that promise to house train your dog in 7 days. The truth is that every dog is different. Some dogs can be house trained much faster than others. A lot of factors go in to the amount of time it takes to potty train a dog. These include the breed of dog, how consistent you are with the training and how the dog was raised by the breeder or rescue.

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The 6 Best Dog Potty Training Tips

1. The 15 Minute Break

The 15 minute break involves taking your dog our regularly throughout the day at strategic times. Once your dog eats, you as the owner have to wait a mere 15 minutes for your dog to need to relieve himself. As your puppy gets older this time can increase. But as a general rule it’s a good idea to take your puppy out 15 minutes after eating or drinking. This takes a lot of patience yes, but it is necessary to save you from cleaning up accidents all the time.

2. Create A Potty Schedule

The second rule for dog potty training is to create a potty schedule for your dog. Take your dog out in the yard once the two of you are awake in the morning. Do this right after breakfast and dinner or any meal as well. After each nap he should go out again. If you give your pet a sizable snack, wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then go out to the yard. Before bedtime, take your dog out as well. If in any case he whimpers during the night -go to the yard.

3. Give Lots Of Praise

Praise your puppy when he eliminates in the designated potty area outside. Do this when he poops or pees in the right place. Your happy voice will let your dog know that you are happy in seeing him do this. Once your dog sees you are happy, he will do it over and over and over again.

4. Create A Feeding Schedule

Create a feeding schedule for your puppy. Feed him when you can wait 15 minutes and have enough time to take him outside. This goes with his water intake as well. Your puppy will have to pee quite often so it’s good for him to learn how to let you know when he needs to go outside to potty.

Teaching your dog to signal to you when he has to go outside is important. A good way to do this is to teach your dog how to ring a bell when he has to pee. What you need to do is before you take your dog to the yard for his pee time; get him to ring a bell first. This will be ingrained in your dog’s mind all his doggie life.

5. Do Not Punish Your Dog

This one can be difficult for a lot of people but don’t punish your dog if you find an accident on the floor. When you catch your puppy having an accident, you can say No and then take him immediately outside. If you don’t catch him having the accident and find it afterwards, simply clean it up. If you do not catch your dog in the act, he will have no idea what he is being punished for. Getting angry or upset with your dog will only confuse him or may even cause him to become afraid of you. The best option is to clean up the accident, use a special enzyme cleaner and then take him outside for pee breaks more often.

6. Supervise Your Dog

When your dog is lose in the house with you, keep him with you at all times. This way you can supervise him and watch for any signals that he may need to go outside for a bathroom break. This tip will save you a lot of cleaning time. While you are preventing accidents, you will also be forming a bond with your dog as you teach him in a loving and gentle way that he needs to go outside to relieve himself.

By following these best dog potty training tips, your puppy will be house trained in no time at all. Just remember to always use patience and consistency.

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