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5 Basic Guidelines For Feeding A Dog The Right Way

Novice and expert dog owners alike, can get confused while feeding a dog different foods.
If some foods suit our human diet, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll go perfectly for our dog as well.
So, if you are also worried about what to feed and when to feed your dog, we have some basic dog feeding guidelines for you!

If you’re a new owner who doesn’t know anything about a dog’s diet, this article will be of especially good use for you, so keep reading!

Guideline For Feeding A Dog

1. Choose The Best Dog Food

Choosing the best dog food is essential to provide your dog with all the vitamins and nutrients he needs to sustain a healthy body through his vigorously active lifestyle. And contrary to popular belief, quality dog food that has all those essential nutrients, doesn’t really have to be expensive!
As a matter of fact, you can find all the nutrients your dog needs, in the most common, budget-friendly options.

All you have to do is make sure that the dog food manufacturer matches or exceeds AAFCO guidelines and uses high-quality ingredients. The best dog foods will come with a clear list of ingredients and you’ll also see the percentage of their amount in the food.

Make sure that the dog food you buy is primarily made up of the following ingredients:

  • Meat
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Fats
  • Vitamins

Oppositely, AVOID foods that contain chemical preservatives and fillers like corn, wheat and soy, as those have little nutritional value for your pet and may disrupt digestion!

To check out some quality dog food brands on Amazon, click on the images below.

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Feeding a dog

2. Feed The Right Amount

The nutritional requirements of all dogs vary, and we cannot specify the exact amount you need to feed your dog.
Overfeeding can lead to health issues, while providing less than required will make your dog too thin.
In general, you can determine the amount of food to feed by checking your dog’s weight.
But, smaller and larger breed dogs have a significant difference in weight, and the amount you provide will also differ.
If your dog weighs 15 lbs., it needs 1-1.5 cups of dog food in a day.
For larger breed dogs that weigh more than 50 lbs. you can feed them 2-3 cups of food in a day. These amounts based on your dog’s weight are just guidelines. The food requirements will vary for puppies and adult dogs due to the difference in energy and activity levels.

The best idea for determining the exact amount of dog food to feed is by checking the label at the back of the food can. You should also monitor your dog closely to make sure that he is at his ideal weight. If he gains too much weight, you will need to reduce the amount of food you give him. If your dog loses weight and is starting to get too thin, you will need to increase his food until he’s at his ideal weight.

All dog foods have different amounts of nutrients, and the highest quality ones will have a chart at the back to help owners know the amount to feed. If you’re still confused about what amount to feed your dog, you can consult a vet or a canine nutritionist. He will check your dog’s activity level, age, and weight. Then, you’ll get a complete and thorough guide for feeding your dog!

Click on the images below to check out my favorite dog bowls on Amazon.

3. Feed At The Right Time

Feeding all the dog food at once isn’t the best idea. Instead, experts recommend breaking down the total calorie requirements into portions and providing them throughout the day. Usually, dog owners feed their pets 1-3 times a day and if your dog is perfectly healthy and active, you can feed him two times a day!

A convenient way to feed your dog is with an automatic dog feeder. You can program the feeder to give just the right amount of food for your dog at the time that you want your dog to be fed. It can’t get any easier than that!

However, in specific cases, the feeding time will differ according to your dog’s requirements.
For example, if you have a senior dog suffering from a disease, the vet may change his diet and the feeding time as well.

Similarly, dogs with high activity levels get hungry quickly, so, you can divide the total food into portions and feed them throughout the day. In this way, your dog will not have a full stomach in the morning and then be hungry for the rest of the day.

4. Don’t Change The Food Too Often

Once your dog is adapted to a specific dog food, changing it can leave a bad impact.
Owners usually opt for one company’s food and keep feeding that to their dog. This choice is best for picky eaters as they can dislike dog food without any reason.

If you do need to change your dog’s food, do so gradually. Start off my feeding 3/4 of the old food and 1/4 of the new food. Over a week or two, gradually decrease the amount of the old food and increase the amount of the new food until your dog is eating all of the new food. This will help to prevent your dog from getting an upset stomach and diarrhea from switching foods.

5. Limit the number of treats

Dogs love eating treats and it feels nice to actually give treats to them… But, too many treats can lead to obesity. So, the best rule is to comprise 10% of treats in the total calorie intake of your dog.
Exceeding the amount can leave a negative impact on your dog’s health. So, regardless of the fact that you feel good about treating your dog, don’t overdo it! There are some great options for bite size treats that are low in calories. These come in handy, especially when you are training your dog.

Click on the images below to check out my favorite dog training treats on Amazon.

Final Words

Following a regular feeding plan that consists of all the nutrients needed in your dog’s diet, is essential to keep your dog healthy and active.

Although most feeding details are available on the dog food pack, you can also consult your dog’s vet or breeder, to ensure you’re feeding him in safe amounts and during the right times!

*Disclaimer: All information presented here is intended for entertainment purposes only. It is each dog owner’s responsibility to seek proper veterinarian care and advice for their dog. Always speak with your veterinarian when you suspect a problem with your dog’s health or before you try a new supplement or treatment. The author, publisher, and contributors accept no responsibility for such use.  

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