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How dog training can strengthen the bond with your dog.

My best friend is incredible! He’s one of those rare types who hangs on to every word you say.  He’s content to be quiet when I need stillness, even though he’s one of those high-drive types.  All I have to do is call and he’s there in an instant, no matter what he was doing before.  He puts me ahead of all his other friends and never fails to make me feel special. But he’s not a person, even though he’s sure he is.  He is my dog! In this article I’m going to tell you how you can strengthen the bond with your dog too.

When I brought this ten-week-old bundle of joy home, I didn’t know what to call him. I’m not very good at naming anything, so I usually just observe for a couple of weeks and let the animal name itself by it’s personality. This puppy’s name became evident in nothing flat: Jet. He whirled around the house, jumping up on furniture five times his size, zooming and zipping and totally charming me. I quickly realized the athleticism of this dog and knew I’d have to find him a job when he got a little older. High energy dogs, that don’t have jobs, will certainly find other outlets for their energy and those outlets aren’t usually things we would enjoy!

You already have a burning love for your puppy, but what is your relationship like? Does he come when you call him? Does he sit, lay or stay? From your first class, at your dog training school, your relationship with your dog begins to change. I will warn you, however, that anything you want to teach your dog won’t come just with a once-a-week class, even if you have the best dog training school in the world. You have to practice with them, just a little bit, every day.

How Dog Training Can Strengthen The Bond With Your Dog

Click on the photos below to check out our favorite dog training supplies on Amazon.

Jet was a very food-motivated dog, so the fact that he got food every time he did something right made training a blast for him, all by itself. And this happened every day! Bonus! He made fast friends at his new dog training school, so going to class was fun as well. He got to where he would whine in excitement, as soon as we pulled in the parking lot, until I finally got him out of the car.

So now you’re taking your dog to classes in a place they love, and you’re working with them every day. During that time, you’re paying complete attention to them, teaching them to pay complete attention to you, and they get their favorite food as icing on the cake. This does incredible things for the bond between you and your dog. They learn to focus on you, no matter what, and good things will come. They get praised and fed, or praised and allowed to tug on a toy, whichever motivates the dog more. So your relationship cant help but blossom.

Click on the photos below to check out our favorite dog traininig treats on Amazon.

He is, by far, the one I can trust the most, not only because of his training, but from the bond we gained through the training. He never takes his eyes off of me, since we began at our dog training school. This serves us well in the agility ring or any other performance event that we try!

If you want to forever alter and solidify the bond you share with your dog, find yourself a good dog training school, for whatever discipline you prefer, and go for it. With a little time and patience, your relationship will become a forever lasting relationship. If you do, your dog will turn out to be your best friend too!

How has obedience training helped to strengthen the bond with your dog? Share in the comments below.

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

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