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8 Tips For How To Be Your Dog's Pack Leader

In dog training, it’s often the most simple acts that produce the best results. In any dog pack, the alpha sets the rules and the rest follow. Therefore, by establishing yourself as the alpha, you can be sure that your obedience training sessions will be that much more productive. The following is a list of 8 simple tips for how to be your dog’s pack leader. These are things you can do to teach your new puppy or unruly dog that you are the alpha in your pack.

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How To Be Your Dog’s Pack Leader

1. The Alpha Eats First

Never feed your dog from your plate while you’re eating. A dog must learn that your are the alpha and that he can only eat when you are finished with your meal. Yes, it’s hard to resist those big puppy dog eyes but try to focus on the bigger picture.

8 Tips For How To Be Your Dog's Pack Leader

2. Create Boundaries

Never allow your dog on the sofa or on your bed unless you invite him. If your dog sits in your path, gently move him out of the way. Do not let him barge out the door ahead of you. And on walks, you are the leader, not your dog so he should not be barging ahead. Of course, it’s ok to give him permission to go sniff and explore but it’s not ok to pull you all over the neighborhood. By setting boundaries, you will instill in your dog that you are the alpha and he has to listen to you.

3. Never Allow Your Dog To Chew Your Possessions

Never allow your dog to chew on your towels, socks, shoes, or clothing. Use bitter apple to discourage these behaviors.

4. Be Firm But Fair

NEVER HIT YOUR DOG FOR MISBEHAVING. This will only make your dog afraid of you and can cause behavioral issues. Instead use the tone of your voice and a gentle leash pop to correct or redirect the dog’s behavior and attention.

5. Never Allow Your Dog To Mouth Or Chew On You

Never allow a puppy to chew on your fingers. Otherwise, this will become a habit that will be very hard to break when he becomes an adult. Spray your hands and fingers with bitter apple and then allow the dog to proceed. The dog will learn not to bite your fingers without associating any negative thoughts about you as the alpha.

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6. Make Sure Your Dog Is Exercised

Never leave a hyper dog unexercised. Playing ball before you leave for work and after you return can help alleviate your dog’s pent-up energy. A dog with energy to burn can develop destructive habits. High energy dogs need to burn off that energy or they will find their own way of doing it and chances are it will be something that you don’t approve of. Make sure to leave your dog with some toys for mental stimulation to keep him busy while you are gone.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite fetch toys on Amazon.

7. Spend Time With Your Dog

Never keep your dog alone in a yard for days at a times. Without proper socialization your dog can become nervous or even aggressive towards other dogs as well as other humans. A dog needs contact with his own species in order to learn how to behave in a dog pack equally as well as he must learn to behave in a human pack. A dog left alone for long periods of time will believe himself to be the alpha and try to dictate to his human, instead of the other way around.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite dog training supplies on Amazon.

8. Never Allow Your Dog To Jump On You Or Your Guests

It may be cute when your dog is a puppy but it isn’t cute when he becomes a 100lb dog. Practice with a collar and leash and set up situations where a neighbor rings your doorbell while your dog awaits their entrance. While on leash, have your dog “sit” as your neighbor enters the house. If the dog tries to jump up on the neighbor, use the leash to keep him under control. And, of course, don’t forget to praise the dog as soon as he follows your command.

Once the dog knows what to do, try the same thing off leash. If he tries to jump on your neighbor use a stern vocal correction of “NO”. Proceed to praise your dog once again when your dog obeys your command. This way, he will learn to associate praise with correct action. If your dog does not listen and still tries to jump up on your neighbor, keep practicing with your dog on leash. With some dogs, it could take some time to learn how to behave appropriately.

By following these tips, you will learn how to be your dog’s pack leader. And, you will have a head start in training your dog because he will have already learned to respect your authority as his leader.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite dog training treats on Amazon.

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