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How To Choose A Dog Breed That Fits Your Lifestyle

Were you aware that there are literally hundreds of distinct dog breeds? When you decide to get a dog, choosing the right dog breed for you and your family is essential. With so many different dog breeds available, this can become a very daunting task. Luckily, there are ways in which you can narrow down your options somewhat to choose a dog breed that fits your lifestyle, making the whole thing a lot easier.

Things To Consider To Help You Choose A Dog Breed

How much room do you have for a dog?

First and foremost you should be considering one major factor….. How much space do you have? If you live in an apartment there is little point in getting a large dog that takes up a lot of room and may also need a lot of exercising. For living areas with limited space, consider a smaller dog like one from the Toy group, for example.

How much will it cost to properly care for the dog?

The cost of keeping your dog should be evaluated. Very large dogs may eat significant amounts of food whereas smaller dogs will eat very little in comparison. Try doing a rough calculation of cost for several different dog breeds over a twelve month period. Take into consideration food and regular visits to the vet for inoculation, deworming etc.

What is the breed like around children?

If you have children, you may want to consider what dog breed would suit them. Young children can be quite heavy handed with pets sometimes; getting a Chihuahua for example may not be such a good idea as they are small and could get injured.

Similarly, having a Great Dane or Saint Bernard marauding around the house could be dangerous for a child as the dog could knock the child over by accident. The age and number of children you have should definitely be considered as this will affect what type of dog would best suit your circumstances.

The majority of dog breeds are bred for certain jobs. A dog bred to herd, for example, may not be a good fit for a family with young children who has no prior experience with herding breeds.

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How much exercise will the dog require?

Another major point to consider is how much exercise you can offer your dog. If you have a reasonable sized yard, fencing it off will provide a good space for your dog to exercise. If you live in an apartment, consider getting a dog that requires very little exercise. An high energy border collie would be a poor choice for an apartment life unless you are very dedicated to taking your dog out for daily adventures.

Also consider how much exercise can YOU have time for? There is no point getting a dog that requires lots of exercise such as a hunting or herding dog breed if you cannot keep up the exercise regime. Try and get a dog that suits your lifestyle.

How To Choose A Dog Breed That Fits Your Lifestyle

What are the grooming requirements of the breed?

Grooming you dog is something to think about. If you do not have a lot of spare time in your life try to avoid dog breeds like the Standard Poodle. A breed like this will need very regular grooming sessions. A short haired dog makes a better choice for somebody who has little time to sit and groom for hours at a time.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite dog training supplies on Amazon.

Where Can You Find Information About Dog Breeds?

The most accurate place to find information on dog breeds would be through the American Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, etc. These websites would list all of the breeds, along with the breed standards, that are recognized by each organization.

When you choose a dog breed, take a look at the bigger picture. Try to resist the temptation to go for the cutest, cuddliest, adorable dog you can find. Consider your lifestyle, your home, your family and try to find a dog breed that fits best with your life. After all, your new dog will be sharing your life with you for many years to come, so making sure that you are both happy is an important thing to consider.

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