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How To Prepare For A Puppy; 5 Tips To Keep In Mind

Bringing home a new puppy is not something that should be done without giving it a lot of thought first. Puppies requite a lot of responsibility and commitment from their family, especially during the first year or two. Learning how to prepare for a puppy is very important. Knowing that you are prepared will allow your puppy to have the best start to his new life with you.

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How To Prepare For A Puppy

Be Ready For The Commitment

Picking out a dog is something that you need to put some time into. Dogs, and cats for that matter, are terrible Christmas gifts. They are generally given with that ā€œoh heā€™s so cuteā€ spur of the moment purchase mentality. The whole family should be involved in the decision for a puppy. It should not be a surprise gift for anyone who will be responsible for the care of the puppy.

Most people wouldnā€™t run out and buy a car on the spur of the moment without doing their research first. Dogs are no different and require even more research and thought if the person-dog relationship is going to work out for the next 10-15 years. Take your time before settling for the dog that is right for you and your family. It will be the best decision, both for you and your family but most importantly for your dog.

Be Prepared To Socialize Your Puppy

Walking down the street of a big city and taking a look up at all the skyscrapers is an example of just how small you are and just how big the rest of the world is. This is one of the concepts that you need to understand as you begin getting your dog introduced into his new home. Even after you bring your new dog home you’ll need to continually understand that your puppy needs to be exposed to all sorts of new places, situations, people and friendly animals.

Even after he has grown to full size you still need to keep socializing him. Keeping your dog comfortable with all the new things that appear big in his life will go a long way toward making him feel relaxed in new situations.

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Set Up A Routine

Scientists often say that the humans’ morning routine of washing up, getting food and all those things we do just after we get up in the morning is one of the most powerful routines we have. If we don’t do it the same way each and every day, the day just doesn’t feel right for the rest of it.

Dogs are the same way. The problem is, they don’t have anybody around to give them that routine in the morning and at night. Here is where the first signs of commitment come into play. You are the parent here and you don’t get Saturdays and Sundays off. In the first days/hours of bringing your new dog home choose a schedule that you are willing to keep for the next 1 ā€“ 2 years. Ideally, you have already thought this through. So you can start on night one of bringing him home but if you havent do it right now.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite dog training treats on Amazon.

What Dog Care Professionals Will You Need?

Knowing what dog care professionals you will need and how to find them is important to prepare for a puppy. The best way to find reputable dog care professionals is to ask friends who have dogs, find local dog groups to ask for recommendations and to check online reviews.

Two dog care professionals that every puppy will need is a veterinarian and a dog trainer. If you don’t plan to do your own grooming, you will need a dog groomer. All dogs need regular nail trimming and at a minimum occassional baths. Other frequently used dog care professionals are doggie day care providers and dog walkers.

Having your dog care professionals chosen before you bring home your new puppy will make sure that you get any wait lists that there may be and will help take the stress out of finding them at the last minute.

Keep Your Puppy And Home Safe

When they are young, dogs have little control over their bodily functions so be patient. A good idea to consider when you are not around or at night is a crate for the dog. Crate training has become a popular and efficient way of house training puppies. If puppies were raised in a clean environment, they will want to stay clean. Therefore they will not want to potty in their crate. Just make sure that you are able to let you puppy out often for pee breaks.

As descendents of wolves, dogs like and feel secure in caves. A dog crate is like your dog having a cave of his own. Quite a bit of the wolf still remains in the domesticated dog whether you actually see it or not. A crate is the best option to keep your puppy and your home safe when you aren’t able to supervise him. It’s a great tool for house training. It also prevents your puppy from learning destructive habits such as chewing your furniture.

Make sure that it is a good sized crate. Your puppy should have enough room to sit up, turn around and lay down. Place the crate in a corner. This will act as the cave and tell your dog that it is his space. He will know this instinctively and quickly. At night it will protect your home and give you some free time during the day. When your dog turns into a responsible citizen and no longer needs to be crated, leave the crate out for him with the door open. Then he can use his crate whenever he wants to.

Bringing home a new puppy is never something that should be a spur of the moment decision. Learning how to prepare for a puppy is the best way to make sure that your puppy will have a smooth transition in to your family. This will make the transition less stressful for both you and your puppy.

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