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How To Teach Your Dog To Heel In 7 Easy Steps

Before you teach a dog to heel off leash, he must already be good at heeling on leash. Having a dog that heels nicely off leash can be accomplished by following just 7 easy steps. But you must know your dog and know that he is ready to perform this exercise off leash without running off. You must always keep your dog’s safety in mind when teaching him to heel off leash. Start off in a secure fenced in area so that your dog is safe and you don’t have to worry about him taking off on you.

Related Post: 6 Tips To Teach Your Dog To Walk On A Loose Leash

Click on the images below to check out some of our favorite dog training supplies.

How To Train Your Dog To Heel Off Leash

Step One

Take your dog’s leash off.

Step Two

Walk in a straight line. (Angling into your dog will cause him to heel wide.)

Step Three

Walk briskly! Don’t walk at the pace of your dog. You set the pace of the heeling.

Step Four

Don’t wave your hands about – hold your LEFT hand close to your body!

Step Five

Make sure you always give the first command in a happy tone of voice. Your dog needs to know that you are happy. Don’t try to teach your dog anything if you are in a bad mood. Never use a harsh or threatening tone when training your dog.

Step Six

Change your voice to a firmer tone or call your dog’s name if they don’t keep up to your walking pace or if they amble away.

Step Seven

Once your dog is heeling with you, gently pat your side and give praise. Give praise at every opportunity. Keep it fun and upbeat for your dog.

Click on the images below to check out some of our favorite training treats on Amazon.

Tips For Teaching Your Dog To Heel Off Leash

Stop Your Dog From Forging

If forging (your dog tries to get ahead of you) is your problem, or if your dog attempts to dart off, you must stand still! Signal your dog back with your left hand. Repeat the heel command firmly, then pat your side coaxingly.

Give Your Dog Rules And Boundaries

Remember, training your dog is not unlike training your child to behave in a way society expects. Give them rules and bounderies. Be firm about what is right and what is not. Praise whenever you have an opportunity, That is, whenever you dog performs as asked.

Give Your Dog Lots Of Praise When He’s Doing A Good Job

When your dog is doing a good job of learning, give him the commendation he deserves! Praise him while he is actually learning and performing well.

Keep Your Dog’s Attention

If the dog you are training is large, make sure you carry the leash folded twice, with the snap end in your RIGHT hand. If the dog fails to pay attention, call her name or reach out and “tap” her playfully on the hindquarters with the end of the leash. You should then coax your dog close by patting your side. (Never hit hard or in such a way that you cause your dog pain. Just the LIGHT tap is all that’s needed to get your dog’s attention.)

Know When To Use The Leash

If all attempts to keep your dog at heel position fail, it’s time to put the leash back on. It’s not time to teach your dog to heel off leash. Your dog isn’t ready just yet. Give him verbal encouragement to get in close while patting your leg, and try again. By rewarding your dog both verbally and with treats, he will quickly learn to stay at your side at all times. Especially if you make the heeling fun!

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