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How To Trim Dog Nails At Home; Tips & Tricks To Do It Yourself

Picture this… It is a nice, sunny day and you’re enjoying a walk with your favorite non-human being and then suddenly… You hear his nails scratching the pavement. If that’s the case, then it is probably about time you trim your dogs nails to avoid any potential nail damage. In this article, I’ll tell you all about how to trim dog nails at home. Learn the how’s and why’s of this basic aspect of dog care, so without further ado, let’s get to it!

Is It Important To Trim Your Dog’s Nails?

Trimming your dog’s nails may seem like an intimidating task but it’s necessary for many reasons.
Even though many dogs can wear their nails down naturally, it truly depends on their lifestyle, age, and any underlying conditions.

Dogs need short nails for better bearing and stability and to keep their nails from curling to avoid discomfort. A dog’s foot can actually splay if the nails are too long, causing discomfort when the dog puts weight on his legs.

How To Trim Dog Nails At Home; Tips & Tricks To Do It Yourself

Equipment You’ll Need To Trim Your Dog’s Nails At Home

Nail Clippers

Various nail clippers are designed especially for dogs and even different sizes of dogs!
Guillotine nail clippers are best suited for smaller dogs, and miller forge or plier-type clippers are perfect for any size dog.

Click on the images below to check out my recommendation for nail clippers on Amazon.

Nail File or Grinder

After trimming your dog’s nails, a nail file or a grinder can come in handy to get rid of any sharp edges. Some people prefer using these instead of clippers., This option is generally easier to avoid cutting into the dog’s quick, though it takes more time, especially with a nail file.

Click on the images below to check out my recommendation for nail files and grinders on Amazon.

Styptic Powder

If your dog’s nail ends up bleeding, put some of this styptic powder on the nail, as it helps stop and prevent any further blood loss.

You can use a styptic pencil with silver nitrate, cotton, or corn starch as an effective alternative.

Click on the images below to check out my recommendation for styptic powder and styptic pencils on Amazon.


Treats are an essential part of your dog nail clipping routine, simply because our dogs see clippers like a threat, quite often. This is usually because they weren’t introduced to them properly but once they are desensitized to the clippers and the sound that they make, they are much better.

For this reason, it is a good idea to treat your dog properly while doing his nails. Treats are useful, especially if you have an anxious dog who was traumatized from a similar experience in the past.

Click on the images below to check out my recommendation for dog training treats on Amazon.

How to Trim Dog Nails?

Step 1: Let Your Dog Get Familiar With The Nail Clippers

● The first thing you need to do is make sure that your dog won’t get anxious. You can hold his paw for a while and give him a treat when he is relaxed.

● Your dog will associate this action with reward and most likely stay calm when you clip his nails.

● You can also familiarize your dog with the nail clippers by holding them near your dog and making the clipping sound.

Step 2: Restrain Your Dog

● The next step is to restrain your dog. You can put your dog on a high surface like a grooming table and put an arm around him to keep it from moving. Just make sure that he can’t jump off and hurt himself.

● If you don’t have a grooming table, you can use a sturdy table in your home. Put a towel on the table so that your dog won’t slip and hurt himself.

● If you have someone to help you, they can hold the dog and treat him when he let’s you do his nails without any fuss. Do one nail, then give him a treat. Then gradually increase the amount of nails you do before he gets a treat until you can do them all at one time. This may take several weeks.

Step 3: Prepare The Nails

● Examine the nails before trimming. You can make sure that there aren’t any broken nails. Broken nails can be very sensitive, especially if they are broken around the nerve.

● Dogs with transparent nails are easier to work with. You can sit near a light source to see the fleshy part through the nail.

Step 4: Clip Clip Clip!

● It’s time to position your nail clippers. Hold the clipper perpendicular to the nail and make sure your grip is firm.

● The trimmer’s blade should be in the direction where it’s easy to see the cutting angle.

● Now for the scary part! Start trimming from the tip of the nail, especially if your pet has dark nails.

● Cut a little bit off at a time.

● You should be able to clip them off cleanly. Don’t forget to give your pet a treat when he is cooperating!

Step 5: Use A Nail Grinder Or Nail File

● Lastly, use a nail grinder to smooth the edges of the nails or use a file if the grinder’s sound seems unpleasant to your pet.

Step 6: Use Styptic Powder

● In the end, treat any mishaps if they happen.

● Use a styptic powder or corn starch to stop the bleeding.

Step 7: Trim Your Dog’s Nails Regularly.

Your dog’s nails will need to be trimmed every one to two weeks, depending on how quickly they grow and how much he wears them down. To track your dog’s nail trimming sessions, you can use our printable Dog Management Planner binder to keep all your dog’s records, including when his nails need to be done.

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

Final Words

And that is how to trim dog nails! If trimming your dog’s nails is too stressful, you can ask a vet or groomer how to trim dog nails and to demonstrate the process.

With some practice and following these steps, you can definitely give your dog a perfect PAWdicure!

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