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10 Tips For Living With A Dog In An Apartment

If you’re a dog owner who is considering a move to an apartment, there are certain things you must keep in mind. First, whether or not your dog will be accepted by most landlords. This depends primarily on the type, size and personality of your dog. Living with a dog in an apartment can be a challenge but there are things that you can do to make it easier.

Tips For Living With A Dog In An Apartment

1. Get The Right Breed

If you own a large or high energy dog, apartment living is probably not for you. Not only will accepting landlords be hard to find, but your dog will not be happy in the confined space of an apartment. A large dog needs room to exercise and play, neither of which is usually available in an apartment setting.

If you plan to live in an apartment, make sure your dog is one that will adapt easily to this environment. Usually smaller, lap dogs are the best choice. However, even smaller dogs can cause problems if they don’t get enough exercise.

10 Tips For Living With A Dog In An Apartment

2. Exercise Your Dog

All dogs need some sort of exercise, although some need more than others. Make sure that your dog gets the exercise that he needs. Otherwise, he may develop habits that are not suitable for apartment living. These habits can be barking, inappropriate chewing and digging out of boredom.

Take your dog for walks and if you can, find a safe fenced in area where you can let him run off leash. Set up doggy playdates with friendly dogs that you know. Sign up for some dog classes. There are lots of creative ways to exercise your dog when you live in an apartment.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite fetch toys on Amazon.

3. Desensitize Your Dog To Noises

Random noises from the hallway or other apartments is hard to avoid when living with a dog in an apartment. It’s important to desensitize your dog to these sounds. Otherwise, your dog may bark each time he hears a noise coming from outside of your apartment. Barking dogs in apartment buildings is a sure way to get complaints.

To help block out the noises while you are out, leave the TV or radio on for your dog. This background noise will help to distract him from the noises that are going on around him.

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

4. Try To Get A First Floor Apartment

When you have a dog it’s nice to have a first floor apartment. Sometimes you need to get your dog out quickly for a potty break. When you are on the first floor, it’s so much easier to get him outside quickly. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in an elevator or having to get down several sets of stairs when your dog is just about to have an accident.

5. Add A Potty Area On The Balcony

No, I’m not saying that you should let your dog go out and potty on the surface of your patio. But what you can do, for emergencies, is set up a potty area. There are articial turf pieces that are specifically designed to be used for dog potty areas. The pee mat, which looks like turf, goes in a plastic tray. This tray prevents the urine and feces from getting on your balcony.

Click on the images below to check out dog potty mats and replacement mats on Amazon.

6. Protect Your Floors

Dog nails can scratch and wear floors. There are two things that you can do to prevent damage to your floors. The first is to trim your dog’s nails regularly. My favorite dog nail clippers are the miller forge or scissor type. By trimming your dog’s nails weekly, you can keep him nails short so that they don’t scratch and wear the floors.

Click on the image to check out Miller Forge dog nail clippers on Amazon.

The other option you have, is to wear nail caps on your dog. Of course, even with nail caps you should trim your dog’s nails regularly. The nail caps will protect your floors from getting scratched and worn by your dog’s nails. Soft paws for cats and dogs makes nail caps that will protect your furniture and your floors.


7. Provide Mental Stimulation

A good walk or run before you leave for work will help to tire your dog out so that he can sleep while you are gone. But you will also want to provide him with some mental stimulation. A bored dog left alone can quickly get into trouble. By providing some interactive puzzles, chew toys and kongs filled with peanut butter and kibble, he will have plenty of entertainment while you are away. A dog who is exercised and has lots of mental stimulation is happier and will be less likely to destroy things or bark at random noises.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite mental stimulation products for dogs on Amazon.

8. Hire A Dog Walker Or Go To Daycare

If your dog barks or whines a lot you may well find yourself at odds with the landlord, as well as with other tenants. Many times your dog only causes a disturbance because he’s lonely or bored. If you’re gone during the day, you can sometimes alleviate these problems by hiring a pet walker to come in and give your dog attention and exercise.

9. Train Your Dog

When you are living in an apartment building or any area that there are lots of people, it’s important to keep your dog under control. No one wants a dog running up to them, lunging at them or barking at them. Training your dog should begin the day you bring him home. A dog that is easy to take out in public will be welcomed more in an apartment setting than one that is crazy and out of control. Train your dog how to greet or ignore (some people just aren’t going to want to meet your dog) people. This training will be a valuable asset.

10. Keep Your Dog On A Leash

You must also keep in mind that most apartment complexes have leash laws so you will have to accompany your dog each time he goes outside. Since most complexes don’t have areas where it’s safe for your dog to run free, this is as much a matter of your dog’s safety as it the protection of other tenants. Most dogs benefit from some off leash running and playing. Ask around to see if there are any safe off leash dog areas near your apartment building. Keep your dog on leash until you get to the off leash area and then let your dog have some fun.

Alternative Pets For Apartment Living


Cats are the pets of choice for apartments. Most are not as socially oriented as dogs and are quite happy left on their own. As long as your cat has a nice spot to curl up and take a nap, space isn’t an issue. When your pet is a house cat frequent trips outside arent required.

But some landlords do not accept cats any more willingly than they do dogs. Some have a strict no pets rule. If that’s the case, don’t consider renting there if you want to have pets. If your pet is discovered you may be evicted and/or fined.

Other Pets

Pocket pets such as fish, birds, and reptiles usually dont’ pose a problem when it comes to renting. However, you should still check with your prospective landlord to make sure.

General Tips For Apartment Living With A Dog:

Landlords who do accept dogs or cats often require a pet deposit. This is intended to cover any damage your dog or cat does to the premises, as well as additional cleaning that may be necessary when you leave the apartment.

If you’re searching for apartments that accept pets, there are many places to go for help. You’ll find lots of websites and message boards dedicated to this subject. You can also enlist the help of a local realtor or relocation specialist who usually have lists of pet-friendly apartments. Just make sure you’re clear on the policy regarding pets before you sign any rental agreement.

If you take into account your dog’s needs, as well as those of your landlord, you’ll be much more likely to find an apartment that meets your needs.

Happy apartment hunting!

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