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The Top 7 Nutritional Supplements For Dogs And What They Are Used For

Dogs make one of the most joyful pets of the animal world. They lighten up our moods and provide a happy shelter for us to confide in. As a reciprocation of such love, care and attention, it is essential that we, too, take care of their needs. This care includes the maintenance of their health, which further links to their diet and supplements for dogs. Have been wondering if your dog needs nutritional supplements? If you have and you don’t know where to start, this article is for you!

We, as humans, take nutritional supplements as daily nourishment. And it is the same for our dogs. Their dietary needs don’t correspond directly to ours, and giving them supplements may require more attention and research. Here are some nutritional supplements for dogs that can help with their short term and long term health!

An excellent way to track your dog’s health and supplements is with my printable Dog Management Planner binder. Click on the image below to get your copy.

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

Nutritional Supplements for Dogs

1. Glucosamine

Glucosamine is a natural compound produced in the body around the joints as their protective and flexible cover. It provides the proper fluidity to cure arthritis and stiff joints.

While some disagree with its effectiveness, a large number of experts confirm that it does work. Mainly, however, it influences after 2 to 5 weeks of administration.

As your dog grows old and his joints become stiff, Glucosamine can help cure the pain in joints and make it easier for your dog to move around. It is the most popular dog supplement, mostly given to dogs with arthritis. It can also eliminate pain in the joints etc., structural changes or ageing. Glucosamine is often prescribed in conjunction with chondroitin sulphate to treat arthritis.

Click on the image below to check out this Glucosamine supplement on Amazon.

2. Probiotics

Probiotics are well-known for their brilliant combat skills against gastrointestinal disorders.
They protect against problems that concern the gut, e.g. vomiting, loss of appetite etc.
Even if your dog doesn’t seem to have any stomach issues, he can still benefit from probiotics.

Click on the image below to check out this probiotic on Amazon. Most vet clinics also sell this probiotic.

3. Chondroitin

Chondroitin often combines with Glucosamine to maintain better and healthier cartilage.
These two can sometimes work wonders against pains in the joints etc.

Click on the images below to check out these supplements on Amazon.

4. Milk Thistle Extract

Milk Thistle is a plant extract that help to support the liver. It’s not a supplement that should be given to your dog everyday but you can give it to your dog as a detox a few times a year or if your dog has been diagnosed with liver disease. Always consult with your vet before giving your dog any supplements.

Click on the image below to check out the supplement on Amazon.

The Top 7 Nutritional Supplements For Dogs And What They Are Used For

5. Fish Oil Supplements For Dogs

Fish oil contains the supplement “Omega-3 fatty acid”, which is beneficial for dogs in many ways, especially for puppies, as it aids the development of their eye and brain functions.

These supplements are considered not only safe but also helpful for dogs. Moreover, it reduces inflammation, which can be the root cause of many diseases. But it’s most commonly used to make the dog’s coat healthier and shinier. Along with giving a silky skin, it helps the dog combat heart issues.

Click on the image below to check out the supplement on Amazon.

6. Antioxidants

Antioxidants hold an indispensable position in the bodies of dogs, saving them from several diseases.
Dogs tend to be energetic and sometimes lick and eat things they shouldn’t. When exposed to such unwanted objects, there will be a reaction, and the chance of health problems will come into effect.

The problems can include incredibly chronic ones such as cancer, arthritis and heart diseases etc. Therefore, it is essential for owners to administer the use of antioxidants, especially in dogs to help prevent these diseases.

Click on the image below to check out the supplement on Amazon.

7. Multivitamins

Dogs require several vitamins for their proper growth. Do you feel your dog hasn’t been eating well lately? Or are you afraid he might not be getting all of the vitamins he needs in his food?

If so, don’t forget to give your dog a multivitamin to help him get through that state unharmed. Vitamin C and E are especially crucial for your pup’s health, and reduction in these can cause your dog to feel lethargic and make him prone to diseases.

Also, adding a multivitamin pill to your dog’s food can help improve his immune system, which will provide him with enough energy for daily activities and exercises.

Click on the image below to check out this multivitamin for dogs on Amazon.

The Takeaway About Nutritional Supplements For Dogs

To keep your dog in top condition, you must never neglect your dog’s health. Nutritional supplements are a great way to start. However, be mindful not to give them in excessive amounts and always consult with your veterinarian before adding any new supplements.

Also, keep in mind that if your canine friend is already taking any veterinary medications or diet, you need to be careful with what you feed him, as it might do more harm than good and negatively affect his health.

You should provide the supplements only when your dog needs them, i.e., their dietary intake is low, or they suffer from a medical condition. All in all, consulting a vet before giving any supplements to your furry friend is the best idea to avoid any health issues later.

*Disclaimer: All information presented here is intended for entertainment purposes only. It is each dog owner’s responsibility to seek proper veterinarian care and advice for their dog. Always speak with your veterinarian when you suspect a problem with your dog’s health or before you try a new supplement or treatment. The author, publisher, and contributors accept no responsibility for such use.  

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