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Precautions Every Dog Owner Should Take With Their Dog In The Car

Most dogs love going for a drive in a car, especially if it’s to a destination that they enjoy. Even if you only take your dog to the local shopping center, the outing will add a little variety to his daily life and widen his horizons. Just make sure you call ahead to make sure that dogs are allowed in the stores or areas you plan to visit. Taking your dog in the car can be a fun and mentally stimulating experience for him.

All dogs should be car trained as puppies. Many of them ride in a car the first time when they are taken to their new home. This can leave an uncertain impression that is partly pleasant and partly scary, since it involves an upheaval to their lives. So make your new puppy’s next drive reassuring. Take him for a short trip to some pleasant playground, or simply a 5 or 10 minute spin around the neighborhood before returning to the security of your home.

Tips To Make Car Rides More Enjoyable For Your Dog

1. Do Not Take Your Dog Driving Right After He Eats A Full Meal

Always wait several hours after a full meal before taking your dog for a drive. This allows your dog’s food to digest and will decrease the chance of him throwing up his meal.

2. Keep Your Dog Safe and Secure In Your Car

Do not drive with your dog on your lap. Even if your dog insists on being on your lap while you are driving, this is not safe. The safest place for your dog is in the back seat of your car. Secure him with a dog seat belt or in a crate. There are many seat belts available for dogs now, my favorite is this one. Crates are readily available as well, some of which are crash tested dog crates, like this one.

Click on the images below for more information on dog seat belts and crash tested dog crates on Amazon.

3. Make A Spot For Your Dog To Lay Down

Some dogs are too big to fit in a crate or have never been properly crate trained. If this is the case, you should still be able to use a seat belt to keep your dog secure. Give him a place to sit or lay in the back seat. You might cover the seat with a dog blanket, well tucked in or a dog bed. Plastic is good protection for the upholstery, but is too slippery a footing for a dog. Many dogs enjoy looking out of the window, and if you lower it a few inches they can also enjoy the passing scents.

*Safety Tip – Never open the window enough that your dog could jump out through it. Many dogs have been seriously injured or killed by jumping out the window of a moving vehicle.

4. Never Leave Your Dog Alone In Your Car

You should never leave your dog alone in the car. But if you have to in a emergency, (hopefully for only a few minutes), be sure to:

– Lock the cars doors and leave two windows open a few inches.
– Park your car in a shady place, remembering the sun moves and that your shady spot may turn into a furnace later.
– Never leave your dog in the car in an underground parking place or in a closed garage, and again, never anywhere for a long time. –Never leave your dog in your car on a hot day. Cars can heat up very quickly and your dog can overheat and even die.

Related Article: Easy Options For Safetly Travelling With Your Dog In The Car

Not only are car rides fun for your dog, they can provide some mental stimulation. Being able to take your dog to other locations in your car can open up a whole new world for your dog and give him new places to explore.

Old dogs that have trouble moving around, benefit greatly from going for a drive, as it helps to keep them alert and interested in the outside world when their daily lives have become more restricted.

If your dog is one of the youngsters who gets a thrill from riding in the car, dashes to your side as soon as he hears the tinkle of the car keys, and sometimes even tries to stow away, try to give him this simple treat whenever possible. The more places your dog gets to explore when he’s young, the easier it will be to take him to new places in the future.

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