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Nipping is a common puppy behavior that typically puppies will outgrow. I’m sure that most people who have played with a young puppy have experienced this. But if puppies aren’t taught that this isn’t appropriate behavior, the problem can persist throughout their adult life. The dog may grab at your hands, arms, legs, shoes, clothing or hair when they get excited. There are ways to stop an over excited from nipping but of course, like other dog behaviors, it’s important to understand why the dog nips when excited. Once you know why they do it, it’s easier to figure out how to stop it.

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Why Do Some Dogs Nip When They Are Over Excited?

The Job They Were Bred For

Most dogs were bred to perform a certain job. A dog, like an Australian Shepherd for example, was bred to herd livestock. They herd the livestock by nipping at the heels of the sheep or cattle. When the excitement level gets really high, they may nip at people. This can happen especially if they were never taught that it’s inappropriate to nip humans.

7 Tips To Stop An Over Excited Dog From Nipping

It’s A Game For The Dog

Nipping at pant legs or moving legs or arms, can become a game to a dog. It’s fun to grab after a moving object. And if you squeal, it’s even more fun for your dog.

It’s Soothing For The Dog

Some dogs like to carry things around in their mouths when they get excited. It helps to soothe them. If your dog doesn’t have anything nearby to carry around, he may revert to nipping or mouthing instead.

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The Dog Hasn’t Learned The Difference Between Playing With Humans And Other Dogs

Your dog plays, nips and wrestles with other dogs and doesn’t realize that he can’t play the same way with humans.

The Dog Is Overtired

Just like a young child start acting off when they are over tired, your dog can do this too. I find that this can be quite common in puppies but it can also happen in adult dogs too when they just need a nap.

High Arousal

Some dogs are easily aroused and can quickly become over excited. These dogs will often react to their high state of excitement by barking, nipping and spinning circles. There are lots of things that can set off a high arousal dog. Things like someone running, skateboards, bicycles, cars, and squealing are just a few that can set the dog off.

How Do You Stop A Dog From Nipping When He’s Over Excited?

There are some things that you can do to stop an over excited dog from nipping and help him to calm down. Finding a method that will help your dog to calm down and get out of the excited state of mind is what you will need to do. A dog that is in an over excited state of mind isn’t going to listen to you until you can calm his mind. Here are some things to try.

1.Treat Scatter

When your dog is just over the top and you can’t get him to stop nipping and calm down, throwing some kibble or treats on the ground can help. This distracts the dog from his nipping behavior and searching for the treats on the ground will have a calming effect on him. If the dog isn’t interested in the treats, try an alternative method instead. You can also use a snuffle mat or even a treat dispensing toy.

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2. Stand Still And Remain Calm

If you are moving around, the dog is going to react to that motion by trying to nip after you. If all of a sudden you are just standing still, there is no more motion. This takes the fun out of your dog’s game of nipping. Over excited dogs love it when people try to run away from them or squeal, this just sets them off even more. But if you are just remaining still and calm, you quickly become boring to your dog and he should stop nipping at you.

3. Exercise Your Dog

Some dogs get over excited because they have no other way to burn off their excess energy. So, play a game of fetch, take him for an off leash run or set up a playdate with a compatible doggy friend. Burning off that extra energy can make a huge difference to some dogs.

Click on the images below to check out some great fetch toys on Amazon.

4. Leave The Room

If the dog just won’t calm down, leave the room. This will give him a bit of a time out. He is seeing you as his play thing and you are taking that away from him. Always remain calm when you leave the room so that you are viewed as “boring” to your dog and not a fun play toy.

Once you think that your dog has calmed down, calmly go back into the room. If he is still over excited and trying to nip when you enter the room, calmly leave again. This could take several times for him to catch on but most dogs eventually do. You can even tie this in with scattering treats on the floor.

Click on the images below to check out our favorite dog training treats on Amazon.

5. Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

If your dog is nipping at you or another person, give him a toy that he can chew on. Calmly redirect his attention to the chew toy and praise him when he chews the toy and not you or another person. Nylabones, petstages chew toys and tug toys are all good options. Find out which one your dog likes the best and use it for times when he needs to be redirected away from nipping someone.

Click on the images below to check out chew toys on Amazon.

6. Teach The Dog A More Appropriate Behavior

When you see your dog starting to get over excited, redirect him by asking him to do something. Ask him to sit, down or touch a target. Redirecting their mind can take the focus off of nipping and provide them with an appropriate behavior instead. When the dog performs the appropriate behavior instead, praise and treat him. You may have to keep the praise a bit low key just so that you don’t send him back into the over excited state again. But it is important to let the dog know that he is doing what you want him to do.

Teaching your dog to perform commands instead of nipping will take some practice. You will need to start by practicing at home in an area with few distractions. Once your dog has mastered the commands in this area, gradually increase the distractions and take him to new locations to practice. Always keep things calm to prevent him from becoming too excited.

Make sure to only reward your dog when he doesn’t nip. Even if he nips and then sits, do not reward him. Instead wait until he does the desired behavior without nipping, then quickly reward.

7. Environmental Management

Sometimes managing the environment is the easiest way to stop the nipping. For example, if your dog nips at guests as they arrive put him on a leash. Before you answer the door, put the leash on your dog so that he cannot get to your guests. This gives you more control over your dog and will make it easier to prevent him from nipping your guests from the excitement. It will also be easier for you to get his attention.

Always be prepared to reward calm, appropriate behavior! Keep a pocket full of yummy treats and reward immediately when your dog acts appropriately.

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

Try to avoid methods that use fear and dominance with your dog.  This will only hurt your relationship with your dog and possibly make him afraid of you.  

If you try these 7 tips and your dog is still nipping, please seek the advice of a professional dog behaviorist who can meet with you and your dog to evaluate the situation.  Learning how to stop an over excited dog from nipping as soon as possible is important to prevent it from escalating into a bigger problem.

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