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7 Easy Tips For A Fun Hike In The Woods With Your Dog

Leaves are falling and paws are crunching in the parksā€¦. It’s the perfect time of the year for a fun hike in the woods with your dog. I don’t know about you but I will drive for hours to find an awesome hiking spot to take my dog. We both love it and often spend the whole day in the woods together.

This is the perfect time of the year to get out with your dog and enjoy the beautiful scenery. You and your canine companion can enjoy the crisp, cool air and frolic in the falling leaves. It’s amazing to take in the visual splendor of nature.

A walk in the woods can be an exhilarating experience for you and your dog, especially if you take a moment for some basic dog care preparations. Minimize surprises and emergencies by following these simple steps. I’ve developed a list of easy dog care to-dos to ensure we have a great time and arrive and leave together safely.

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

Tips For A Fun Hike In The Woods With Your Dog

1. Take An Orange Vest For You And Your Dog

This may sound like overkill but I recently had an experience with my dogs that scared me. I was out in the woods with my dogs when I heard shots fired not far from me. I couldn’t see my dogs and terror ran through me. Immediately I realized we were not prepared for the hunters. Bright colored vests would have helped the hunters know we were not deer, and please don’t shoot us. Every year you hear the stories of accidental shootings. Dont be the next casualty ā€” make sure that you, your family and your dog, wear your orange vests!

Hiking In The Woods With Your Dog

Click on the images below to check out orange safety vests for you and your dog on Amazon.

2. Make Sure Your Dog Has Current Dog Tags

Keeping a collar and current dog tags on your dog helps others get him home if you get separated. One thing I have recently done is change the dog tags to read ā€œI must be lost. Please call my Mom. (xxx) xxx-xxxxā€. This gives all the pertinent information, yet doesn’t provide information for an easy abduction. I don’t want someone to know my dogs’ names, which might lead the dogs to believe the stranger is a friend.

Click on the images below to order dog tags on Amazon.

3. Attach A GPS Tracker To Your Dog’s Collar

I’ve recently tried using a GPS tracker with my dogs when we are out in the woods. It works great! Simply attach the GPS tracker to your dog’s collar and install the tracking app on your phone. If your dog gets out of your sight, you can easily find him by using the GPS tracker. The tracker I use and recommend is Tractive. The Tractive GPS tracker also monitors your dog’s activity too, so you get two functions for the price of one!


4. Check Your Dog Over Regularly During And After The Hike

I check my dogs’ paws and body frequently to remove the debris from the fall season ā€” tree gum, seeds, burrs, rocks, thorns, pine needles, and leaves can add up to irritation or lameness. There are also things like ticks to keep an eye out for.

5. Take Fresh Water For You And Your Dog

If I can help it, I don’t let my dogs drink standing water. I carry fresh water instead. I have had to deal with stomach problems in the past from bacteria in standing water. Carrying your own water is a small thing but doing it can prevent lots of pain and suffering, a vet bill, and a 10-day supply of antibiotics.

Click on the images below to check out portable dog water bottles and bowls on Amazon.

6. Take Towels And Old Blankets

I love towels, lots and lots of towels. To me, dropping dirty towels in the washer is much easier and less smelly than detailing a car or working to get that horrible wet, dirty dog smell out of fabric and carpet in my car. If your dogs get dirty, wet or muddy cleaning them off with a towel will help to keep your car clean. I bring towels for my dogs and a seat cover to cover the seat of my car.

Click on the images below to check out dog towels and blankets on Amazon.

7. Take A Long Range Whistle

Lastly, I whistle-trained my dogs. If we do separate, a blow on the whistle has them running to me. Chances are, they don’t like not being able to see me and will be happy to have me back in their sights. I highly recommend the ACME whistle. Get it on a lanyard and carry it with you.

Click on the images below to check out dog whistles and lanyards on Amazon.

These 7 simple tips can make your outdoor trip so much more enjoyable for you and your dogs. And paying attention to the basics in dog care shows your dogs just how much you love them. So, get out and enjoy a nice hike in the woods with your dog!

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