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6 Essential Guidelines For Training A Dog With Behavior Problems

Dogs can be your best friends, and why shouldn’t they be? The amount of love and affection they shower on us is immeasurable! But, loving a pet doesn’t really mean we should let them do whatever they want. Just like toddlers, dogs need to be taught about the difference between good and bad behaviors. So, if you also want to train your dog in the best way possible, keep reading as we give you the 6 best tips for training a dog with behavior problems!

Tips For Training A Dog With Behavior Problems

#1 Use Treats and Rewards

Treats and rewards are a common way of encouraging positive behaviors in dogs. Our dogs don’t know whether they’re doing things right. They will rely on their owners to teach them. So, when your dog does something good and you give him a treat or any other reward, he will know he did the right thing. Treats always make dogs excited and help strengthen the bond with their owner. And so, don’t forget to treat your dog at the right times!

Click on the images below to check out my dog training treat recommendations on Amazon.

#2 Use Short Commands

Short commands are words like ‘’catch’’, ‘’fetch’’, ‘’sit’’, ‘’stand’’, etc. Dog owners use these words to train their dogs. If your dog responds to your commands quickly and follows them, you can reward it with a pat on the back or a yummy treat. Dogs love to play with their owners, and short commands can encourage positive behavior and train them better.

6 Essential Guidelines For Training A Dog With Behavior Problems

#3 Be Consistent

If you reward your dog once for positive behavior and don’t do so when he repeats the behavior, how will he know whether what he is doing is right or wrong? Be clear to your dog about all kinds of behaviors and don’t forget to be consistent. If you liked that your dog didn’t bark, reward him in the form of a treat or verbal praise and a pat. Treats and a little pat on the back and some cuddles can make your pet happy and let him know that what he is doing is good!

#4 Don’t Be Too Strict

Punishing your dog is not the solution to stop negative behavior and encourage positive reinforcement. In fact, punishments will make your pet afraid, scared and anxious. In most cases, it will distance you from your pet, and the affectionate bond will break. The best way to stop negative behavior in your pet is by using commands. If he barks, say ‘’stop’’ while you redirect the behavior, and reward your pup if he follows the order.

Redirecting the negative behavior and teaching your dog more appropriate behaviors are far more effective than punishment. But every dog is different so what works for one dog may not work for another. If at any time your dog’s behavior is out of control, seek professional help from a certified dog trainer or certified dog behaviorist.

*If your dog is acting aggressively, it is important to seek professional help immediately before someone gets hurt.

Click on the images below to check out my dog training supplies recommendations on Amazon.

#5 Give Attention

Our pets are always craving our attention and love! They feel happy and content when we spend time with them and cuddle them. So, giving attention to your pet is also an excellent way of encouraging positive behavior. Some owners may not know this, but ignorance from owners can make them feel neglected. The result will be a change in behavior and in most cases, it can give rise to problem behaviors. So, giving your pet the time and attention he needs is the solution here. You can take your dog out for a daily walk and exercise him at a dog friendly park. You can also play with your dog in a park and teach him commands. When your pet is active and getting all the attention, you will see positive changes in his behavior.

A convenient way to track your dog’s training progress and to keep track of all of his health records, appointments, symptoms, etc is with our printable Dog Management Binder. Click on the image below to get your copy today!

Dog Management Binder to keep track of your dog records.

#6 Get Your Family Involved!

Dogs may think that the rules are only confined to one person, and that’s the owner or main trainer.
And so, they might behave differently in front of others. This is why it is a good idea to involve other family members in the training session and ask the dog to follow their instructions too. If he does, give him a nice treat! This way, your dog will know he has to show good behavior in front of others as well.

Final thoughts

Training a dog with behavior problems and teaching your dog about the difference between good and bad can be hectic for some owners. However, combining treats, cuddles and pats will make you develop new levels of bonding with your beloved dog, which will ultimately lead to a more pleasant experience for both you, and your dog!

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