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 If your dog has been stung by a bee or bitten by a bug, check out these simple and safe ways to soothe a dog stung by a bee or bitten by a bug at home. Simple home remedies that can help to sooth a bee sting or bug bite to help your dog feel more comfortable.  #homeremedies #dogstungbybee

Our dogs are an intricate part of our families. And when your beautiful dog suffers and has discomfort from bug bites and bee stings, you want to relieve that suffering as quickly as possible. Lucily, there are some simple and safe ways to soothe a dog stung by a bee at home. These home remedies for bee stings don’t just work on your dog, they work for people too!

Chances are you will already have some of the ingredients in your medicine cabinet or in your kitchen to help sooth your dog’s bug bites and stings. I have used everyone of these over many years to treat my dogs. And the good thing is, I’m still using them today to treat my dog when he has bug bites and stings. They really work!

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4 Simple And Safe Ways To Soothe A Dog Stung By A Bee

1. Meat Tenderizer

Yep! You heard right. All you have to do is pour the meat tenderizer into the bowl and then add water (one-part meat tenderizer and four-parts water). Once it has thickened into a paste simply apply it directly to the sting or bite.

There is a good chance your dog will experience almost instant relief. The really cool thing is you can reapply it if needed, without worrying about it maybe harming your pet. There is an enzyme in meat tenderizer called papain. Papain is thought to help break down the protein that causes pain and itching when you or your dog is bitten or stung. This works on people too, so keep it in mind if you or someone you know gets a nasty bite of sting!

To purchase meat tenderizer on Amazon, click HERE.

2. Ammonia

Ok, I have to admit when I first heard this one I was a bit shocked. But it works. Try dabbing ammonia directly to the bite or sting with a cotton ball. However, make sure not to apply around the nose and eyes of your dog. Also if your dog has extra sensitive skin, it’s a good idea to use one of the other options listed.

The ammonia works much like the meat tenderizer. It has the ability to break down the protein in the poison, which then relieves the itching and pain.

To purchase ammonia on Amazon, click HERE.

3. Aloe Vera

This method is one of my favorite ways to soothe bee stings. I apply aloe vera gel, from an aloe vera leaf, when I can get my hands on it. But for a backup I keep an aloe vera gel that I get from my local drug store or Amazon on hand. It’s a simple matter of applying the gel directly onto the sting or bite. The results are almost instantaneous. Not only does it work good on my dog, I use it on myself for mosquito bits and the occasional wasp sting.

Aloe vera extract has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Spreading a little gel onto the bee sting can reduce the pain, swelling, itching and help the sting or bite to heal faster. Either fresh aloe vera, taken directly from an aloe vera plant, or aloe vera gel works perfectly.

To purchase an aloe vera plant on Amazon, click HERE.

To purchase aloe vera gel on Amazon, click HERE.

4. Ice

Take several pieces of ice or an ice pack and put them in a wash cloth. Hold the wash cloth directly on the bee sting or bug bite. The cold from the ice can reduce the inflammation. It can provide tempory relief from the pain and itching by numbing the area.

To purchase an ice pack on Amazon, click HERE.

These 4 tips can help to calm a painful bee sting or fly bite. However, it may require some patience on your part and on your dog’s part. If it’s a sting, search the area where your dog is biting and scratching. There is a good chance the stinger may still be embedded in the skin of your dog. Once you find it and remove it then you can apply some aloe vera gel or even bathe it with a cold cloth.

These tips are not to replace veterinary care. If your dog has been stung by a bee or bitten by a bug and has a severe reaction to a sting or bug bite, contact your veterinarian immediately. If your wondering if these tips are safe for your dog when your trying to relieve the pain and itching, check with your local vet.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical or health advice. The information contained on this Website is not a substitute for medical or health advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your dog’s individual situation. Please see my disclaimer HERE.

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